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You've heard the platitudes.

You are not your mind.

Change your thoughts, change your life.

Mindset is everything.

It's all TRUE, but it doesn't tell us HOW

I want you to see the powerful, limitless leader that you really are.

You know you're capable of more but you're not sure where to start.

To really shift and grow your impact and show up as the most authentic version of yourself, you need the self-mastery system that turns enigmatic mindset work into applicable practices that actually change how you experience your reality.

Unlock Your Untapped Potential

Lead with More Ease, Purpose & Confidence

Learn to Get Out of Your Own Way

Create a Clear Vision for Your Future

Limitless Leader


Limitless Leader

*Gives you the answers*

  • Become the observer of yourself so that you stop running on autopilot, giving your power away, and being victim to your habits.

  • Free yourself from stress, frenetic energy, and fight-or-flight responses and live in a space from which you can respond instead of reacting.

  • Break up with your inner critic, shed self-judgment, quit self-flagellating, and start treating yourself with love and compassion.

  • Say goodbye to feeling resentful, easily triggered, and constantly judged, because nothing outside of you determines how you get to feel.

  • Shift your relationship with fear so that you can show up, be more visible, and take action to create your future self, one choice at a time.

  • Eradicate the great lie of unworthiness and finally believe that you are, and have always been, enough.

  • Stop striving, settling, censoring, hiding, and shrinking, and finally embody and operate from the highest version of yourself.

This is how you become a limitless leader, both personally and professionally.

Sign up for Limitless Leader
and you'll gain access to:

  • 12 LIVE 90-MINUTE CLASSES taught by me via Zoom where you’ll learn the Neuro-Identity Evolution® self-mastery system for embodying the next level of you.

  • 6 ADDITIONAL OFFICE HOURS SESSIONS where you can ask questions and receive LIVE coaching from me.

  • WORKBOOKS + GROWTH TOOLS that you can work through and implement to begin to see results right away.

  • VIDEO RECORDINGS of all sessions and calls so that you can watch at your convenience or revisit the work.

  • SYSTEM ALTERING HYPNOTIC RECORDINGS that will help reprogram your subconscious mind to embrace change and create unstoppable confidence.  

  • AN EXCLUSIVE COMMUNITY where you can receive daily support from me and your peers doing this work with you. Share challenges, ask questions, and celebrate each other.

It’s time to level up and become limitless.

Join the waitlist.

THE LIMITLESS LEADER program is built on the Neuro-Identity Evolution® framework. My experience with Neuro-Identity Evolution® was transformational and I immediately knew I wanted to become certified to bring this work to the leaders and entrepreneurs I serve.

Kim is a great coach. She is able to meet me where I am, and gently lead me to where I need/want to be to move forward with whatever challenge I have. I like it when she helps me focus on my emotions and see how they impact my body, I feel it is a powerful way for me to stop feeling stuck and find a new perspective.

Cinzia Beretta

Global Communication Leader & Leadership Development Expert

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This is for you if...

  • You are ready to uplevel yourself, your career, your business, your team.

  • You know you are capable of more but are not sure where to start.

  • You feel stuck; like you are living life on autopilot.

  • You want to start attracting more of what you desire, instead of having to fight for it.

  • You think you will only truly be happy when you achieve a certain level of success.

  • You are done comparing yourself and letting the people around you determine your value.

Imagine Yourself

Embodying an empowered mindset that keeps you moving forward with grace and ease through change and uncertainty.

Thriving with a deep sense of self-trust that allows you to live in an empowered state of calm, creativity, and flow.

Feeling more connected in your relationships and waking up with a deep sense of gratitude that’s gone beyond the pages of your journal and into your state of being.

Brimming with an energy and vitality that fuels your health and mental clarity so you can show up as the highest version of yourself.

Wholeheartedly stepping up, speaking up, and showing up with a clear mind and unshakable self-confidence.

Actualizing your vision and impact while being happy, joyous, and present along the way.

PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The Roadmap of your Transformation

WEEK 1: You are 100% responsible for you

Radical Personal Responsibility is the birthplace of your next level. We’ll dive deep into responsibility and the key role it plays in actualizing what you say you want.

WEEK 2: Uncovering your 12 month vision

We’ll look at the emotions that are driving you, and move past conditional happiness, into what will become your Guiding Life Feelings. You cannot create a new future, living in the feelings of the past.

WEEK 3: Moving through resistance

We will talk about resistance: the 4 most common types, how to use the 3-step process to move past it, and how to use your Guiding Life Feelings as a tool in and of themselves.

WEEK 4: You become what you believe

What stops you from believing in yourself? What blocks you from believing in your inherent, non-negotiable worth? Together we will do the discovery and learn to consciously choose new beliefs that will support the truth of your awesomeness.  We’ll master the Daily Belief Practice and discover how to use the power of visualization and its role in how to embody next level you.

WEEK 5: Mastering your meaning-maker

Did you know your mind is a meaning-maker, making meaning even where there isn’t any? All day, on every single thing that happens. That’s why we must learn how to raise our self-awareness, shift perspective fast, and recognize, acknowledge, and move through resistance. We are talking high-level self-observation.

WEEK 6: You are not your mind, and other lies

What if mindset work could be practical, tangible, and applicable? It’s time to put away the platitudes and get the work done. We’ll identify where you are now and what you need to shift in order to get what you want. Plus, I’ll let you in on the two most effective mindset tools that will help you understand what it means to think on purpose.

WEEK 7: Imprisoned or empowered? You get to choose

Ready to stop being victim to your old habits and start making new choices? This is about the one thing you need to master if you want to show up and BE YOU. This is where being unshakable lives and using The Choice Method ™ begins.

We’ll dig into how you can consciously direct your mind to look for more of what you want so that you can live and create with more peace, ease, and satisfaction.

WEEK 8: You are what you speak, and other truths

How are the words coming out of your mouth affecting your reality? There’s no denying the power of language, or its role in creating sustainable change and the reality you want. Here, we’ll dive deep into how we speak about ourselves and unpack three incredible tools to help you harness the power of words.

WEEK 9: Eradicating your shitty committee and becoming the president of your own fan club

What if you could stop berating yourself and start rooting for you? It’s time to get clarity on the labels and limitations you put on yourself and stop it now. Lead your own fan club and never get in your own way again.

WEEK 10: All about the F-word

What is fear, why does it exist, and how does it stop you? These are big questions we’re going to answer this week, as we look at the distinction between fear and danger. I’ll show you how to identify your fear behaviors and how they’re holding you back so that your mind can never keep you locked in your comfort zone again.

WEEK 11: Making fear your friend

How do you overcome self-doubt, self-sabotage, inaction, and lack? The answer may surprise you: it’s by building a relationship with fear. Believe it or not, when you learn to love your fears, you become truly limitless. I’ll show you exactly how.

WEEK 12: Your Self-Coaching toolbox

What practices can you carry with you for the rest of your evolution? In our final week, we recommit to where you want to go and make sure you’re armed with the tools and practices to face any challenges that come up along the way. We’ll also look at your new non-negotiables and celebrate who you’re becoming.

Invest in yourself!

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